Posts_Import::import_video( array $args = array() )

Import a single video based on the passed data




Default value: array()




File: includes/libs/posts-import.class.php

	public function import_video( $args = [] ){

		$defaults = [
			'video' 			=> [], // video details retrieved from Vimeo
			'post_id'           => false,
			'category' 			=> false, // category name (if any) - will be created if category_id is false
			'tags'				=> false,
			'user'				=> false, // save as a given user if any
			'post_format'		=> 'video', // post format will default to video
			'status'			=> 'draft', // post status
			'options'			=> false,
		 * @var array $video
		 * @var int $post_id
		 * @var string $category
		 * @var array $tags
		 * @var int $user
		 * @var string $post_format
		 * @var string $status
		 * @var array $options
		extract( wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults ), EXTR_SKIP );

		if( !$options ){
			$options = Plugin::instance()->get_options();

		// if no video details, bail out
		if( !$video ){
			return false;

		 * Filter that allows changing of post format when importing videos.
		 * @param string $post_format   The post format.
		$post_format = apply_filters(

		 * Filter that allows video imports.
		 * Can be used to prevent importing of videos.
		 * @param bool $allow       Allow video improts to be made (true) or prevent them (false).
		 * @param array $video      Video details array.
		 * @param string $post_type The post type that should be created from the video details.
		 * @param false $false      An unset parameter.
		$allow_import = apply_filters(

		if( !$allow_import ){
			 * Generate an error and pass it for debugging
			 * @var WP_Error
			$error = new WP_Error(
					__( 'Video having ID %s could not be imported because of a filter blocking all imports.', 'codeflavors-vimeo-video-post-lite' ),
				[ 'video_data' => $video ]

			 * Send error to debug function
				'Import error: ' . $error->get_error_message(),

			return false;

		// plugin settings; caller can pass their own import options
		if( !$options ){
			$options = Plugin::instance()->get_options();

		if( 'private' == $video['privacy'] && 'pending' == $options['import_privacy'] ){
			$status = 'pending';

		// post content
		$post_content = '';
		if( 'content' == $options['import_description'] || 'content_excerpt' == $options['import_description'] ){
			$post_content = $video['description'];
		// post excerpt
		$post_excerpt = '';
		if( 'excerpt' == $options['import_description'] || 'content_excerpt' == $options['import_description'] ){
			$post_excerpt = $video['description'];

		// post title
		$post_title 	= $options['import_title'] ? $video['title'] : '';

		 * Action that runs before the post is inserted into the database.
		 * @param array $video  The video details array retrieved from Vimeo.
		 * @param false $false  Always false in Vimeotheque Lite.

		// set post data
		$post_data = [

			 * Post title filter before the post is inserted into the database.
			 * @param string $title     The post title.
			 * @param array $video      The video details.
			 * @param bool $false       Unused parameter.
			'post_title' 	=> apply_filters(

			 * Post content filter before the post is inserted into the database.
			 * @param string $content   The post content.
			 * @param array $video      The video details.
			 * @param false $false      Unused parameter.
			'post_content' 	=> apply_filters(

			 * Post excerpt filter before the post is inserted into the database.
			 * @param string $excerpt   The post excerpt.
			 * @param array $video      The video details.
			 * @param false $false      Unused parameter.
			'post_excerpt'	=> apply_filters(
			'post_type'		=> $this->post_type->get_post_type(),

			 * Post status filter before the post is inserted into the database.
			 * @param string $status    The post status.
			 * @param array $video      The video details.
			 * @param false $false      Unused parameter.
			'post_status'	=> apply_filters(

		$pd = $options['import_date'] ? date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime( $video['published'] )) : current_time( 'mysql' );

		 * Post date filter before the post is inserted into the database.
		 * @param string $date      The post date.
		 * @param array $video      The video details.
		 * @param false $false      Unused parameter.
		$post_date = apply_filters(

		if( isset( $options['import_date'] ) && $options['import_date'] ){
			$post_data['post_date_gmt'] = $post_date;
			$post_data['edit_date']		= $post_date;
			$post_data['post_date']		= $post_date;

		// set user
		if( $user ){
			$post_data['post_author'] = $user;
		 * @var int|\WP_Error $post_id
		// single video import will pass post ID
		if( isset( $post_id ) && $post_id ){
			$post_data['ID'] = $post_id;
			$post_id = wp_update_post( $post_data, true );
		}else {
			// allow empty insert into post content

			$post_id = wp_insert_post( $post_data, true );

		if( is_wp_error( $post_id ) ){
					'Video with ID %s generated the following database error on insert: "%s"; video post could not be created.',

		// check if post was created
		if( !is_wp_error( $post_id ) ){

			// set post format
			if( $post_format  ){
				set_post_format( $post_id, $post_format );

			// set post category
			if( $category ){
				$category = is_array( $category ) ? $category : [ $category ];
				wp_set_post_terms( $post_id, $category, $this->post_type->get_post_tax() );

			if( $tags ){
				wp_set_post_terms( $post_id, $tags, $this->post_type->get_tag_tax() );

			// insert tags
			if( ( isset( $options['import_tags'] ) && $options['import_tags'] ) && $this->post_type->get_tag_tax() ){
				if( isset( $video['tags'] ) && is_array( $video['tags'] ) ){
					$count = absint( $options['max_tags'] );
					$tags = array_slice( $video['tags'], 0, $count );
					if( $tags ){
						wp_set_post_terms( $post_id, $tags, $this->post_type->get_tag_tax(), true );

			// set post meta
			$_post = Helper::get_video_post( $post_id );
			$_post->set_video_data( $video );

			 * Action after a video post was successfully imported into the database.
			 * @param int $post_id          ID of the post newly created from the Vimeo video.
			 * @param array $video          Array of video details retrieved from Vimeo.
			 * @param false $unknown        Unused parameter.
			 * @param string $post_type     The post type that was created.

			 * Send a debug message
					'Imported video ID %s into post #%d having post type "%s".',

			// import image
			if( $options['featured_image'] ){

			return $post_id;

		}// end checking if not wp error on post insert

		return false;

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