

File: includes/libs/themes/helper.class.php

class Helper {

	 * Returns the thumbnail URL for the current video in loop
	 * @since 2.0.14
	 * @param string $size
	 * @return array|false|mixed|string|string[]|void
	public static function get_thumbnail_url( $size = 'small' ){
		$video = self::current_video_post();
		if( !$video ){

		$result = false;

		$sizes = array_merge(
			 * Filter default sizes to allow additional sizes to be added.
			 * @since 2.0.15
			 * @param array         $sizes  Registered thumbnail sizes stored as size_name => thumbnail ID in video thumbnails array.
			 * @param Video_Post    $video  The current video post being processed in loop.
			(array) apply_filters( 'vimeotheque\themes\thumbnail_image_sizes', [], $video ),
				'small'     => 0, // 100x75 px
				'medium'    => 1, // 200x150 px
				'large'     => 2, // 295x166 px
				'original'  => 3, // original image size ratio
				'hd_small'  => 4, // 640x360 px
				'hd_medium' => 5, // 1280x720 px
				'hd_big'    => 6  // 1920x1080 px

		if( !array_key_exists( $size, $sizes ) ){
			$size = 'small';

		$thumbnails = array_values( $video->thumbnails );

		if( isset( $thumbnails[ $sizes[ $size ] ] ) ){
			$result = $thumbnails[ $sizes[ $size ] ];
			if( is_ssl() ){
				$result = str_replace( 'http://' , 'https://', $thumbnails[ $sizes[ $size ] ] );

		if( 'original' === $size ){
			$result = remove_query_arg( 'r', $result );

		return $result;

	 * Returns or outputs the thumbnail of current video in loop
	 * @param string $size
	 * @param string $before
	 * @param string $after
	 * @param bool $echo
	 * @return string
	public static function get_thumbnail( $size = 'small', $before = '', $after = '', $echo = true ){

		$img_url = self::get_thumbnail_url( $size );

		 * Filter that allows additional CSS classes to be added to images.
		 * @param array         $classes    Array of CSS classes.
		 * @param Video_Post    $video      The video post being processed.
		$classes = apply_filters(
			// class no-lazy is needed for W3 Total Cache to avoid lazy loading images and breaking scripts
			['vimeotheque-playlist', 'image', 'no-lazy'],

		$css_class = is_array( $classes ) ? implode( ' ', $classes ) : '';

		$output =
			$img_url ?
					'<img src="%s" alt="" class="%s" />',
				) :

		if( $echo ){
			echo $before . $output . $after;

		return $before . $output . $after;

	 * Output an image preloader
	 * @param string $size
	 * @param string $class
	 * @param bool $echo
	 * @return string|void
	public static function image_preloader( $size = 'small', $class="cvm-preload", $echo = true ){

		$img_url = self::get_thumbnail_url( $size );

		$blank = VIMEOTHEQUE_URL . '/assets/front-end/images/blank.png';

		if( $img_url ){
			$output = sprintf(
				'<img data-src="%s" alt="" src="%s" class="%s" />',
			$output = '';

		if( $echo ){
			echo $output;

		return $output;

	 * @param bool $include_duration
	 * @param string $before
	 * @param string $after
	 * @param bool $echo
	 * @return string|void
	public static function get_title( $include_duration = true,  $before = '', $after = '', $echo = true ){
		$video = self::current_video_post();
		if( !$video ){

		$output = $video->get_post()->post_title;

		if( $include_duration ){
			$output .= self::get_duration( '<span class="duration">[', ']</span>', false );

		if( $echo ){
			echo $before.$output.$after;

		return $before.$output.$after;

	 * Get the video duration
	 * @param string $before
	 * @param string $after
	 * @param bool   $echo
	 * @return string|void
	public static function get_duration( $before = '<span class="duration">', $after = '</span>', $echo = true ){
		$video = self::current_video_post();
		if( !$video ){

		$output = sprintf(
			\Vimeotheque\Helper::human_time( $video->duration ),

		if( $echo ){
			echo $output;

		return $output;

	 * @param string $before
	 * @param string $after
	 * @param bool   $echo
	 * @return string|void
	public static function get_excerpt( $before = '<div class="description">', $after = '</div>', $echo  = true ){
		$video = self::current_video_post();
		if( !$video ){

		$options = self::get_player_options();
		if( !isset( $options['show_excerpts'] ) || !$options['show_excerpts']  ){

		$excerpt = self::trim_excerpt();

		if( empty( $excerpt ) ){

		if( $echo ){
			echo $before . $excerpt . $after;

		return $before . $excerpt . $after;

	 * Trim the excerpt
	 * @return string|void
	private static function trim_excerpt(){
		$video = self::current_video_post();
		if( !$video ){

		$post = $video->get_post();
		$text = get_the_excerpt( $post );

		if( !$text ){

			$text = get_the_content( '', false, $post );

			$text = strip_shortcodes( $text );
			$text = excerpt_remove_blocks( $text );

			 * This filter is documented in wp-includes/post-template.php
			 * @ignore
			$text = apply_filters( 'the_content', $text );
			$text = str_replace( ']]>', ']]&gt;', $text );

		/* translators: Maximum number of words used in a post excerpt. */
		$excerpt_length = (int) _x( '55', 'theme-default-excerpt-length', 'codeflavors-vimeo-video-post-lite' );

		 * Filters the maximum number of words in a post excerpt.
		 * @since 2.7.0
		 * @param int $number The maximum number of words. Default 55.
		$excerpt_length = (int) apply_filters( 'vimeotheque\themes\theme-default\excerpt-length', $excerpt_length );

		 * Filters the string in the "more" link displayed after a trimmed excerpt.
		 * @since 2.9.0
		 * @param string $more_string   The string shown within the more link.
		 * @param \WP_Post $post        The WP_Post object being processed.

		$excerpt_more = apply_filters(
				' &hellip; %s',
					'<a href="%s" class="vimeotheque-theme default read-more-link">%s</a>',
					esc_url( get_permalink( $post ) ),
					__( 'Continue reading', 'codeflavors-vimeo-video-post-lite' )

		return wp_trim_words( $text, $excerpt_length, $excerpt_more );

	 * @param string $before
	 * @param string $after
	 * @param bool $echo
	 * @return string|void
	public static function get_video_data_attributes( $before = " ", $after="", $echo = true ){
		$video = self::current_video_post();
		if( !$video ){

		$options = $video->get_embed_options();

		$data = [
			'video_id' 	 => $video->video_id,
			'autoplay' 	 => $options['autoplay'],
			'volume'  	 => $options['volume'],
			'size_ratio' => $video->size['ratio'],
			'aspect_ratio'=> $options['aspect_ratio']

		$output = \Vimeotheque\Helper::data_attributes( $data, false );

		if( $echo ){
			echo $before . $output . $after;

		return $before . $output . $after;

	 * @param bool $echo
	 * @return bool|false|string|void|\WP_Error
	public static function get_post_permalink( $echo  = true ){
		$video = self::current_video_post();
		if( !$video ){

		$pl = get_permalink( $video->get_post()->ID );
		if( $echo ){
			echo $pl;
		return $pl;

	 * @param string $before
	 * @param string $after
	 * @param bool $echo
	 * @return string
	public static function get_width( $before = ' style="', $after='"', $echo = true ){
		$player = \Vimeotheque\Helper::get_embed_options( self::get_player_options() );
		if( $echo ){
			echo $before . 'width: ' . $player['width'].'px; ' . $after;
		return $before . 'width: ' . $player['width'].'px; ' . $after;

	 * @param string $before
	 * @param string $after
	 * @param bool $echo
	 * @return string
	public static function get_player_size( $before = ' style="', $after='"', $echo = true ){
		$player = \Vimeotheque\Helper::get_embed_options( self::get_player_options() );
		$height = \Vimeotheque\Helper::calculate_player_height( $player['aspect_ratio'], $player['width'] );

		$output = sprintf(
			'width: %dpx; height: %dpx;',

		if( $echo ){
			echo $before . $output . $after;

		return $before . $output . $after;

	 * Get the current video in loop
	 * @since 2.0.14    Method visibility made public
	 * @return Video_Post
	public static function current_video_post(){
		global $cvm_video;

		if( !$cvm_video ){
			_doing_it_wrong(__METHOD__, 'You should use this into a foreach() loop. Correct usage is: <br />foreach( $videos as $cvm_video ){ '.__METHOD__.'(); } ', '3.0');
			return false;

		return $cvm_video;

	 * @param bool $echo
	 * @return string
	public static function get_player_data_attributes( $echo = true ){
		$player = \Vimeotheque\Helper::get_embed_options( self::get_player_options() );
		$attributes = \Vimeotheque\Helper::data_attributes( $player, $echo );

		if( $echo ){
			echo $attributes;

		return $attributes;

	public static function get_player_options(){


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