File: includes/libs/player/player.class.php
class Player { /** * @var Video_Post */ private $post; /** * Initial options that will override any options retrieved from post * options * * @var array */ private $manual_options; /** * @var mixed|void */ private $options; /** * Player constructor. * * @param Video_Post $post * @param array $options */ public function __construct( Video_Post $post, $options = [] ) { $this->post = $post; $this->manual_options = $options; $this->set_post_embed_options(); } /** * Embed output * * @param bool $echo * * @param bool $width * * @return string|void */ public function get_output( $echo = true, $width = false ){ if( !$this->post->is_video() ){ return; } $_width = $width ? absint( $width ) : $this->get_embed_width(); $height = !$width && $this->get_max_height() ? $this->get_max_height() : $this->get_embed_height( $_width ); $css_class = $this->get_css_classes(); $embed_content = sprintf( '<iframe src="%s" width="100%%" height="100%%" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe>', $this->get_embed_url() ); if( $this->options['lazy_load'] ){ $attachment_id = get_post_thumbnail_id( $this->post->get_post()->ID ); $img = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $attachment_id, 'full' ) ?: end( $this->post->thumbnails ); if( $img ){ $embed_content = sprintf( '<a href="#" class="vimeotheque-load-video" title="%s" data-url="%s"><img src="%s" class="video-thumbnail" />%s</a>', esc_attr( $this->post->get_post()->post_title ), $this->get_embed_url(), is_array( $img ) ? $img[0] : $img, sprintf( '<div class="icon" style="background-color:%s"></div>', esc_attr( $this->options['play_icon_color'] ) ) ); } } $video_container = sprintf( '<div class="vimeotheque-player %s" %s style="width:%spx; height:%spx; max-width:100%%;">%s</div>', $css_class, $this->get_data_attributes(), $_width, $height, $embed_content ); if( $echo ){ echo $video_container; } return $video_container; } /** * Get video embedding options * * @return void */ private function set_post_embed_options(){ /** * Allow embed settings filtering that can change the embedding options when the post is displayed. * * @param array $embed_settings The post video embed settings. * @param object $post The current post being displayed. * @param array $video The video details as retrieved from Vimeo. */ $this->options = apply_filters( 'vimeotheque\player\embed_options', wp_parse_args( $this->manual_options, $this->post->get_embed_options( true ) ), $this->post->get_post(), $this->post->get_video_data() ); } /** * @return mixed|void */ private function get_embed_width(){ /** * Filter that can be used to modify the width of the embed. * * @param int $width Width in pixels. * @param array $video Array of video details. * @param \WP_Post $post The WP_Post object that the video is attached to. */ $w = apply_filters( 'vimeotheque\player\embed_width', $this->options['width'], $this->post->get_video_data(), $this->post->get_post() ); $max_height = $this->get_max_height(); if( $max_height ){ $h = $this->get_embed_height( $w ); if( $h > $max_height ){ $w = Helper::calculate_player_width( $this->options['aspect_ratio'], $max_height, $this->options['size_ratio']); } } return $w; } /** * Get the maximum height, if anu * * @return false|int */ private function get_max_height(){ /** * Filter that allows a maximum height to be set for the embeds. * * @param int $height The maximum height that players must have. */ $max_height = absint( apply_filters( 'vimeotheque\player\max_height', $this->options['max_height'] ) ); if( $max_height < 50 ){ $max_height = false; } return $max_height; } /** * Calculate height based on width * * @param $width * * @return false|float */ private function get_embed_height( $width ){ return Helper::calculate_player_height( $this->options['aspect_ratio'], $width, $this->options['size_ratio'] ); } /** * Returns additional CSS classes * * @return string */ private function get_css_classes(){ $default = [ $this->options['video_align'] ]; if( $this->options['lazy_load'] ){ $default[] = 'lazy-load'; } $ratio = isset( $this->post->size['ratio'] ) ? (float) $this->post->size['ratio'] : 1; if( $ratio > 1 ){ $default[] = 'landscape'; }else{ $default[] = 'portrait'; } if( isset( $this->manual_options['class'] ) ){ $default[] = esc_attr( $this->manual_options['class'] ); } /** * Generate additional CSS classes on Vimeotheque embed player container. * * @param array $classes CSS classes to be added. * @param \WP_Post $post The post object reference. */ $classes = apply_filters( 'vimeotheque\player\css_class', $default, $this->post->get_post() ); return implode( ' ', (array) $classes ); } /** * Generates options * * @since 2.0.14 Modified method visibility from private to public * * @return string */ public function get_embed_url(){ $options = [ 'title' => $this->options['title'], 'byline' => $this->options['byline'], 'portrait' => $this->options['portrait'], 'color' => str_replace( '#', '', $this->options['color'] ), 'dnt' => $this->options['dnt'], 'background' => $this->options['background'], 'transparent' => $this->options['transparent'] ]; /** * Background mode loads video on autoplay, muted and with loop; no need to set the options as they * might interfere with the player's default functionality. */ if( !$this->options['background'] ){ $options = array_merge( [ 'autoplay' => $this->options['autoplay'], 'muted' => $this->options['muted'], 'loop' => $this->options['loop'] ], $options ); } /** * Filter to allow extra parameters to be put on the embed URL in iframe * * @param array $options The extra options * @param \WP_Post|false|null $post The WordPress post object * @param array $video_details The video details array attached to the post * @param array $manual_options An array of manual options that might have been apssed to the player. */ $extra = apply_filters( 'vimeotheque\player\embed-parameters', [], $this->post->get_post(), $this->post->get_video_data(), $this->manual_options ); if( $extra && is_array( $extra ) ){ $options = array_merge( $extra, $options ); } $start_time = $this->get_start_time( $this->options['start_time'] ); return sprintf( '%s?%s%s', $this->post->get_embed_url(), http_build_query( $options, '', '&' ), ( $start_time ? '#t=' . $start_time : '' ) ); } /** * Given a number of seconds, returns a formatted MMmSSs string * * @param $seconds * * @return string */ private function get_start_time( $seconds ){ if( $seconds < 1 ){ return false; } $h = floor( $seconds / HOUR_IN_SECONDS ); $m = floor( $seconds / MINUTE_IN_SECONDS ); $s = $seconds % MINUTE_IN_SECONDS; $hh = $h > 0 ? $h . 'h' : ''; $mm = $m > 0 ? $m . 'm' : ''; $ss = $s > 0 ? $s . 's' : ''; return sprintf( '%s%s%s', $hh, $mm, $ss ); } /** * @return string[] */ private function get_data_attributes(){ $result = []; // loop attributes foreach( $this->options as $key=>$value ){ $result[] = sprintf( 'data-%s="%s"', $key, $value ); } $result[] = sprintf( 'data-video_id="%s"', $this->post->video_id ); return implode(' ', $result); } }
- __construct — Player constructor.
- get_css_classes — Returns additional CSS classes
- get_data_attributes
- get_embed_height — Calculate height based on width
- get_embed_url — Generates options
- get_embed_width
- get_max_height — Get the maximum height, if anu
- get_output — Embed output
- get_start_time — Given a number of seconds, returns a formatted MMmSSs string
- set_post_embed_options — Get video embedding options