Video embed settings meta box displayed on custom post type post editing and regular post editing for videos imported as regular posts
File: includes/libs/admin/editor/classic-editor.class.php
public function post_video_settings_meta_box(){ $settings = Helper::get_video_post()->get_embed_options(); $plugin_options = Helper::get_embed_options(); ?> <?php wp_nonce_field('cvm-save-video-settings', 'cvm-video-nonce');?> <?php if( $this->is_option_override() ): ?> <div style="background-color: rgba(252,255,22,0.1); padding:.5em 1em;"> <p> <h3><?php _e('Options override is ON', 'codeflavors-vimeo-video-post-lite');?></h3> <?php printf( __( 'Individual video post options are not editable; to change video options globally, go to plugin %sSettings%s, tab Embed options.', 'codeflavors-vimeo-video-post-lite' ), '<a href="' . menu_page_url( 'cvm_settings', false ) . '#embed-options">', '</a>' );?> </p> </div> <?php endif;?> <table class="form-table cvm-player-settings-options"> <tbody> <?php /** * Run action that can be used to hook to and display additional options. * @ignore * * @param string $where The position that is currently running (ie. before, after, etc). Must be used to check which position is displayed to avoid showing options twice */ do_action( 'vimeotheque\editor\classic-editor-options-output', 'before' ); ?> <tr> <th><label for="cvm_aspect_ratio"><?php _e('Player size', 'codeflavors-vimeo-video-post-lite');?>:</label></th> <td> <?php if( $this->is_option_override() ):?> <?php $this->option_override( 'width', sprintf( __( '%s X %s px' ), $plugin_options['width'], Helper::calculate_player_height( $plugin_options['aspect_ratio'], $plugin_options['width'] ) ) );?> <?php $this->option_override( 'aspect_ratio', sprintf( __( '/ Aspect ratio: %s', 'codeflavors-vimeo-video-post-lite' ), $plugin_options['aspect_ratio'] ) );?> <?php else: // is not option override?> <label for="cvm_aspect_ratio"><?php _e('Aspect ratio');?> :</label> <?php $args = [ 'name' => 'aspect_ratio', 'id' => 'cvm_aspect_ratio', 'class' => 'cvm_aspect_ratio', 'selected' => $settings[ 'aspect_ratio' ] ]; Helper_Admin::aspect_ratio_select( $args ); ?> <label for="cvm_width"><?php _e('Width', 'codeflavors-vimeo-video-post-lite');?> :</label> <input type="text" name="width" id="cvm_width" class="cvm_width" value="<?php echo $settings['width'];?>" size="2" />px | <?php _e('Height', 'codeflavors-vimeo-video-post-lite');?> : <span class="cvm_height" id="cvm_calc_height"><?php echo Helper::calculate_player_height( $settings['aspect_ratio'], $settings['width'] );?></span>px <?php endif;// end option override?> </td> </tr> <tr> <th><label for="cvm_video_position"><?php _e('Display video','codeflavors-vimeo-video-post-lite');?>:</label></th> <td> <?php if( $this->is_option_override() ): $video_positions = [ 'above-content' => __( 'Above post content', 'codeflavors-vimeo-video-post-lite' ), 'below-content' => __( 'Below post content', 'codeflavors-vimeo-video-post-lite' ), 'replace-featured-image' => __( 'Replace featured image', 'codeflavors-vimeo-video-post-lite' ), ]; ?> <?php $this->option_override( 'video_position', $video_positions[ $plugin_options['video_position'] ] );?> <?php else: // is not option override?> <?php $args = [ 'options' => [ 'above-content' => __( 'Above post content', 'codeflavors-vimeo-video-post-lite' ), 'below-content' => __( 'Below post content', 'codeflavors-vimeo-video-post-lite' ), 'replace-featured-image' => __( 'Replace featured image', 'codeflavors-vimeo-video-post-lite' ) ], 'name' => 'video_position', 'id' => 'cvm_video_position', 'selected' => $settings[ 'video_position' ] ]; Helper_Admin::select( $args ); ?> <?php endif;// end option override?> </td> </tr> <tr> <th><label for="lazy_load"><?php _e('Lazy load', 'codeflavors-vimeo-video-post-lite');?></label>:</th> <td> <?php if( $this->is_option_override() ):?> <?php $this->option_override( 'lazy_load', ( $plugin_options['lazy_load'] ? __( 'On', 'codeflavors-vimeo-video-post-lite' ) : __( 'Off', 'codeflavors-vimeo-video-post-lite' ) ) );?> <?php else: // is not option override?> <input name="lazy_load" id="lazy_load" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php Helper_Admin::check( (bool) $settings['lazy_load'] );?> /> <label for="lazy_load"><span class="description">( <?php _e('when checked, video will be lazy loaded', 'codeflavors-vimeo-video-post-lite');?> )</span></label> <?php endif;// end option override?> </td> </tr> <tr class="toggled-background-mode toggled-muted-mode" style="<?php Helper_Admin::css_hide( ( $settings['background'] || $settings['muted'] ) ) ;?>"> <th><label for="cvm_volume"><?php _e('Volume', 'codeflavors-vimeo-video-post-lite');?></label>:</th> <td> <?php if( $this->is_option_override() ):?> <?php $this->option_override( 'volume', $plugin_options['volume'] );?> <?php else: // is not option override?> <input type="text" name="volume" id="cvm_volume" value="<?php echo $settings['volume'];?>" size="1" maxlength="3" /> <?php endif;// end option override?> <label for="cvm_volume"><span class="description">( <?php _e('number between 0 (mute) and 100 (max)', 'codeflavors-vimeo-video-post-lite');?> )</span></label> </td> </tr> <tr> <th><label for="cvm_background"><?php _e('Background video', 'codeflavors-vimeo-video-post-lite');?></label>:</th> <td> <input name="background" id="cvm_background" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php Helper_Admin::check( (bool) $settings['background'] );?> class="toggler-checkbox" data-hide_elements=".toggled-background-mode" /> <label for="cvm_background"> <span class="description">( <?php _e('the video will be loaded in background mode which hides the playback controls, enables autoplay, and loops the video', 'codeflavors-vimeo-video-post-lite');?> )</span> </label> </td> </tr> <tr class="toggled-background-mode" style="<?php Helper_Admin::css_hide( $settings['background'] ) ;?>"> <th><label for="cvm_muted"><?php _e('Mute video', 'codeflavors-vimeo-video-post-lite');?></label>:</th> <td> <input name="muted" id="cvm_muted" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php Helper_Admin::check( (bool) $settings['muted'] );?> class="toggler-checkbox" data-hide_elements=".toggled-muted-mode" /> <label for="cvm_muted"><span class="description">( <?php _e('will load video muted; needs to be checked for the autoplay behavior in some browsers', 'codeflavors-vimeo-video-post-lite');?> )</span></label> </td> </tr> <tr class="toggled-background-mode" style="<?php Helper_Admin::css_hide( $settings['background'] ) ;?>"> <th><label for="cvm_autoplay"><?php _e('Autoplay', 'codeflavors-vimeo-video-post-lite');?></label>:</th> <td> <?php if( $this->is_option_override() ):?> <?php $this->option_override( 'autoplay', ( $plugin_options['autoplay'] ? __( 'On', 'codeflavors-vimeo-video-post-lite' ) : __( 'Off', 'codeflavors-vimeo-video-post-lite' ) ) );?> <?php else: // is not option override?> <input name="autoplay" id="cvm_autoplay" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php Helper_Admin::check( (bool) $settings['autoplay'] );?> /> <label for="cvm_autoplay"><span class="description">( <?php _e('when checked, video will start playing once page is loaded', 'codeflavors-vimeo-video-post-lite');?> )</span></label> <?php endif;// end option override?> <p class="description"><?php _e( 'Autoplay may be blocked in some environments, such as IOS, Chrome 66+, and Safari 11+. In these cases, Vimeo player will revert to standard playback requiring viewers to initiate playback.', 'codeflavors-vimeo-video-post-lite' );?></p> </td> </tr> <tr class="toggled-background-mode" style="<?php Helper_Admin::css_hide( $settings['background'] ) ;?>"> <th><label for="cvm_loop"><?php _e('Loop video', 'codeflavors-vimeo-video-post-lite');?></label>:</th> <td> <?php if( $this->is_option_override() ):?> <?php $this->option_override( 'loop', ( $plugin_options['loop'] ? __( 'On', 'codeflavors-vimeo-video-post-lite' ) : __( 'Off', 'codeflavors-vimeo-video-post-lite' ) ) );?> <?php else: // is not option override?> <input name="loop" id="cvm_loop" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php Helper_Admin::check( (bool) $settings['loop'] );?> /> <label for="cvm_loop"> <span class="description">( <?php _e('when checked, the video will play again when it reaches the end', 'codeflavors-vimeo-video-post-lite');?> )</span></label> <?php endif;// end option override?> </td> </tr> <tr class="toggled-background-mode" style="<?php Helper_Admin::css_hide( $settings['background'] ) ;?>"> <th><label for="title"><?php _e('Show video title', 'codeflavors-vimeo-video-post-lite');?></label>:</th> <td> <?php if( $this->is_option_override() ):?> <?php $this->option_override( 'title', ( $plugin_options['title'] ? __( 'On', 'codeflavors-vimeo-video-post-lite' ) : __( 'Off', 'codeflavors-vimeo-video-post-lite' ) ) );?> <?php else: // is not option override?> <input name="title" id="cvm_title" class="cvm_title" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php Helper_Admin::check( (bool) $settings['title'] );?> /> <label for="cvm_title"><span class="description">( <?php _e('when checked, player will display video title', 'codeflavors-vimeo-video-post-lite');?> )</span></label> <?php endif;// end option override?> </td> </tr> <tr class="toggled-background-mode" style="<?php Helper_Admin::css_hide( $settings['background'] ) ;?>"> <th><label for="cvm_color"><?php _e('Player color', 'codeflavors-vimeo-video-post-lite');?></label>:</th> <td> <?php if( $this->is_option_override() ):?> <?php $this->option_override( 'color', ( empty( $plugin_options['color'] ) ? __( 'Default', 'codeflavors-vimeo-video-post-lite' ) : '#' . $plugin_options['color'] ) );?> <?php if( !empty( $plugin_options['color'] ) ):?> <div style="width: 20px; height: 20px; background-color: #<?php echo $plugin_options['color'];?>; float: left; margin-right:10px;"> </div> <?php endif;?> <?php else: // is not option override?> <input type="text" name="color" id="cvm_color" value="<?php echo $settings['color'];?>" /> <?php endif;// end option override?> </td> </tr> <tr valign="top" class="toggled-background-mode" style="<?php Helper_Admin::css_hide( $settings['background'] ) ;?>"> <th scope="row"><label for="byline"><?php _e('Show video author', 'codeflavors-vimeo-video-post-lite')?>:</label></th> <td> <?php if( $this->is_option_override() ):?> <?php $this->option_override( 'byline', ( $plugin_options['byline'] ? __( 'On', 'codeflavors-vimeo-video-post-lite' ) : __( 'Off', 'codeflavors-vimeo-video-post-lite' ) ) );?> <?php else: // is not option override?> <input type="checkbox" value="1" id="byline" name="byline" <?php Helper_Admin::check( (bool) $settings['byline'] );?> /> <span class="description"><?php _e('When checked, player will display video uploader.', 'codeflavors-vimeo-video-post-lite');?></span> <?php endif;// end option override?> </td> </tr> <tr valign="top" class="toggled-background-mode" style="<?php Helper_Admin::css_hide( $settings['background'] ) ;?>"> <th scope="row"><label for="portrait"><?php _e('Author portrait', 'codeflavors-vimeo-video-post-lite')?>:</label></th> <td> <?php if( $this->is_option_override() ):?> <?php $this->option_override( 'portrait', ( $plugin_options['portrait'] ? __( 'On', 'codeflavors-vimeo-video-post-lite' ) : __( 'Off', 'codeflavors-vimeo-video-post-lite' ) ) );?> <?php else: // is not option override?> <input type="checkbox" value="1" id="portrait" name="portrait" <?php Helper_Admin::check( (bool) $settings['portrait'] );?> /> <span class="description"><?php _e('When checked, player will display uploader image.', 'codeflavors-vimeo-video-post-lite');?></span> <?php endif;// end option override?> </td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <th scope="row"><label for="start_time"><?php _e('Start at', 'codeflavors-vimeo-video-post-lite')?>:</label></th> <td> <input name="start_time" id="start_time" type="number" value="<?php echo $settings['start_time'];?>" step="1" min="0" max="<?php echo Helper::get_video_post()->duration;?>" /> <abbr title="<?php esc_attr_e( 'Seconds', 'codeflavors-vimeo-video-post-lite' );?>"><?php _ex( 'sec.', 'Abbreviation for "seconds"', 'codeflavors-vimeo-video-post-lite' ) ;?></abbr> <p class="description"> <?php printf( __('Video will be embedded to start from the specified time. Value must not exceed the total video duration of %d seconds.', 'codeflavors-vimeo-video-post-lite'), Helper::get_video_post()->duration ); ?> </p> </td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <th scope="row"><label for="transparent"><?php _e('Transparent background', 'codeflavors-vimeo-video-post-lite')?>:</label></th> <td> <?php if( $this->is_option_override() ):?> <?php $this->option_override( 'transparent', ( $plugin_options['transparent'] ? __( 'On', 'codeflavors-vimeo-video-post-lite' ) : __( 'Off', 'codeflavors-vimeo-video-post-lite' ) ) );?> <?php else: // is not option override?> <input type="checkbox" value="1" id="transparent" name="transparent" <?php Helper_Admin::check( (bool) $settings['transparent'] );?> /> <span class="description"><?php _e('When checked, the video will be embedded without a background.', 'codeflavors-vimeo-video-post-lite');?></span> <?php endif;// end option override?> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <?php /** * Run action that can be used to hook to and display additional options * @ignore * @param string $where The position that is currently running (ie. before, after, etc). Must be used to check which position is displayed to avoid showing options twice */ do_action( 'vimeotheque\editor\classic-editor-options-output', 'after' ); }