Classic_Editor::post_edit_assets( string $hook )
Add scripts to custom post edit page
- $hook
File: includes/libs/admin/editor/classic-editor.class.php
public function post_edit_assets( $hook ){ if( 'post.php' !== $hook && 'post-new.php' !== $hook ){ return; } global $post; if( ! $post ){ return; } $_post = Helper::get_video_post( $post ); // video/playlist shortcode functionality wp_enqueue_style( 'cvm-shortcode-modal', VIMEOTHEQUE_URL . 'assets/back-end/css/shortcode-modal.css', [ 'wp-jquery-ui-dialog' ], '1.0' ); wp_enqueue_script( 'cvm-shortcode-modal', VIMEOTHEQUE_URL . 'assets/back-end/js/shortcode-modal.js', [ 'jquery-ui-dialog' ], '1.0' ); wp_localize_script( 'cvm-shortcode-modal', 'CVM_SHORTCODE_MODAL', [ 'playlist_title' => __( 'Videos in playlist', 'codeflavors-vimeo-video-post-lite' ), 'no_videos' => sprintf( '%s <br />%s', __( 'No videos selected.', 'codeflavors-vimeo-video-post-lite' ), __( 'To create a playlist check some videos from the list on the right.', 'codeflavors-vimeo-video-post-lite' ) ), 'deleteItem' => __( 'Delete from playlist', 'codeflavors-vimeo-video-post-lite' ), 'insert_playlist' => __( 'Add shortcode into post', 'codeflavors-vimeo-video-post-lite' ), 'deleteCategory' => __( 'Remove category', 'codeflavors-vimeo-video-post-lite' ), 'no_categories' => __( 'Select some categories to display videos from. Categories can be added by clicking "Add category to shortcode" button above the posts table.', 'codeflavors-vimeo-video-post-lite' ) ] ); // some files are needed only on custom post type edit page if( $_post->is_video() ){ // add video player for video preview on post Helper::enqueue_player(); wp_enqueue_script( 'cvm-video-edit', VIMEOTHEQUE_URL . 'assets/back-end/js/video-edit.js', [ 'jquery', 'wp-color-picker' ], '1.0' ); wp_enqueue_style('wp-color-picker'); wp_enqueue_style( 'cvm-video-thumbnail', VIMEOTHEQUE_URL . 'assets/back-end/css/video-thumbnail.css', false, '1.0' ); if( !$this->screen->is_block_editor ) { // video thumbnail functionality wp_enqueue_script( 'cvm-video-thumbnail', VIMEOTHEQUE_URL . 'assets/back-end/js/video-thumbnail.js', [ 'jquery' ], '1.0' ); wp_localize_script( 'cvm-video-thumbnail', 'cvm_thumb_message', [ 'loading' => __( '... importing thumbnail', 'codeflavors-vimeo-video-post-lite' ), 'still_loading' => __( '... hold on, still loading' ) ] ); } /** * Run hook when Vimeotheque loads scripts and styles for the Classic editor. * @ignore */ do_action( 'vimeotheque\editor\classic-editor-enqueue'); } }