File: includes/libs/rest-api/endpoints/plugin/rest-store-settings.class.php
class Rest_Store_Settings extends Rest_Controller_Abstract implements Rest_Controller_Interface { public function __construct(){ parent::set_namespace( 'vimeotheque/v1'); parent::set_rest_base( '/plugin/settings'); $this->register_routes(); } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function get_response( \WP_REST_Request $request ) { $options = $this->process_options( Plugin::instance()->get_options_obj()->get_defaults(), Plugin::instance()->get_options_obj()->get_options(), $request->get_params() ); // Update the options Plugin::instance()->get_options_obj()->update_options( $options ); $player_options = $this->process_options( Plugin::instance()->get_embed_options_obj()->get_defaults(), Plugin::instance()->get_embed_options_obj()->get_options(), $request->get_params() ); // Update the player embed options Plugin::instance()->get_embed_options_obj()->update_options( $player_options ); // Refresh the options. $options = Plugin::instance()->get_options_obj()->get_options(true); $settings_page_url = sprintf( 'edit.php?post_type=%s&page=%s', Plugin::instance()->get_cpt()->get_post_type(), 'cvm_settings' ); $oauth = new Vimeo_Oauth( $options['vimeo_consumer_key'], $options['vimeo_secret_key'], $options['oauth_token'], admin_url( $settings_page_url ) ); $success = false; $message = ''; if( !empty( $options['vimeo_consumer_key'] ) && !empty( $options['vimeo_secret_key'] ) ){ if( empty( $options['oauth_token'] ) || ( isset( $options['oauth_secret'] ) && empty( $options['oauth_secret'] ) ) ){ $token = $oauth->get_unauth_token(); if( !is_wp_error( $token ) ){ $options['oauth_token'] = $token; $success = true; $message = __( 'Your Vimeo keys are successfully installed. You can now query public videos on Vimeo and import them as WordPress posts.', 'codeflavors-vimeo-video-post-lite' ); }else{ $options['vimeo_consumer_key'] = ''; $options['vimeo_secret_key'] = ''; $options['oauth_token'] = ''; $message = $token->get_error_message(); } Plugin::instance()->get_options_obj()->update_options( $options ); } }else{ $message = __( 'In order to be able to query Vimeo you must enter your Vimeo OAuth client and secret key.', 'codeflavors-vimeo-video-post-lite' ); } wp_send_json([ 'success' => $success, 'message' => $message ]); } /** * Process options. * * @param array $defaults The default options. * @param array $options The existing options. * @param array $new_options The new options. * * @return array The processed options. */ private function process_options( $defaults, $options, $new_options ){ foreach ( $defaults as $index => $value ) { if( isset( $new_options[ $index ] ) ){ switch( gettype( $value ) ){ case 'boolean': $options[ $index ] = (bool) $new_options[ $index ]; break; case 'integer': $options[ $index ] = (int) $new_options[ $index ]; break; default: $options[ $index ] = trim( (string) $new_options[ $index ] ); break; } } } return $options; } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function register_routes() { register_rest_route( parent::get_namespace(), parent::get_rest_base(), [ 'methods' => \WP_REST_Server::CREATABLE, 'callback' => [$this, 'get_response'], 'permission_callback' => function(){ return current_user_can( 'manage_options' ); }, 'args' => [ ] ] ); } }
- __construct
- get_response
- process_options — Process options.
- register_routes