Helper::embed_video( \WP_Post $post, array $options = array(), bool $echo = true )
Embed the video attached to a video post.
- $post
(Required) The WordPress post that has the video attached to it.
- $options
(Optional) Any options passed manually or from block editor parameters.
Default value: array()
- $echo
(Optional) Output the result (true) or not (false).
Default value: true
(string|void) The HTML for the embed.
File: includes/libs/helper.class.php
public static function embed_video( $post, $options = [], $echo = true ){ $_post = self::get_video_post( $post ); if( !$_post->is_video() ){ return; } $player = new Player\Player( $_post, $options ); return $player->get_output( $echo ); }