Helper::embed_by_video_id( string $video_id, array $args = array(), bool $echo = true )
Create the embed code based on given parameters
- $video_id
(Required) The Vimeo video ID.
- $args
(Optional) An array of arguments used when embedding.
Default value: array()
- $echo
(Optional) Output the embed code (true) or not (false).
Default value: true
File: includes/libs/helper.class.php
public static function embed_by_video_id( $video_id, $args = [], $echo = true ){ $default = [ 'title' => 1, 'byline' => 1, 'portrait' => 1, 'dnt' => 1 ]; $args = wp_parse_args( $args, $default ); $embed = sprintf( '<iframe src="%s" width="100%%" height="100%%" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; fullscreen" allowfullscreen></iframe>', sprintf( '', urlencode( $video_id ), http_build_query( $args ) ) ); if( $echo ){ echo $embed; } return $embed; }