Front_End::embed_video( string $content )
Post content filter callback to embed the video into the post content.
The method is called on the "post_content" filter and embeds the attached video above or below the post content, depending on the setting from the plugin Settings or the individual post options.
- $content
(Required) The post content
(string) The post content
File: includes/libs/front-end.class.php
public function embed_video( $content ){ if( ! Helper::video_is_visible() ){ return $content; } global $post; $_post = get_post( $post ); if( !$_post ){ return $content; } // check if post is password protected if( post_password_required( $_post ) ){ return $content; } // check if filters prevent auto embedding if( !Helper::is_autoembed_allowed() ){ return $content; } // if video is in skipped auto embed list (has block or the video position shortcode in content), don't embed if( $this->skipped_autoembed( $_post ) ){ return $content; } $video_post = Helper::get_video_post( $_post ); $settings = $video_post->get_embed_options(); if( !in_array( $settings['video_position'], [ 'above-content', 'below-content' ] ) ){ return $content; } $video_container = Helper::embed_video( $_post, [], false ); // put the filter back for other posts; remove in method 'prevent_autoembeds' add_filter( 'the_content', [ $GLOBALS[ 'wp_embed' ], 'autoembed' ], 8 ); /** * Fires before the video embed is placed into the post content. * Action that runs when the video is set to be automatically inserted into the post content. * * @param Video_Post $video_post The \Vimeotheque\Video_Post object generated for the current post in loop. */ do_action( 'vimeotheque\automatic_embed_in_content', $video_post ); if( 'below-content' === $settings[ 'video_position' ] ){ return $content . $video_container; }else{ return $video_container . $content; } }