
Generates page HTML


File: includes/libs/admin/page/settings-page.class.php

	public function get_html(){
		$options = $this->options_obj()->get_options();
		$player_opt = $this->player_options_obj()->get_options();

		 * Filter that allows addition of extra tabs to plugin Settings page.
		 * To pass a new tab to this filter, give it an array having this format:
		 * $tabs['my-tab-id'] = array(
		 *		'title' => __('My tab title'),
		 *      'callback' => callback function that will create the tab output (ie. array( $this, 'method_name' )),
		 *      'before' => false // The tab ID that the added tab should be included after ( post_options, content_options, image_options, import_options, embed_options, auth_options ). False to be added at the end of the tabs
		 * )
		 * @param array $tabs   The new tabs to be registered.
		$extra_tabs = apply_filters( 'vimeotheque\admin\page\settings_tabs', [] );

		include VIMEOTHEQUE_PATH . 'views/plugin_settings.php';

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