Class Settings_Page
File: includes/libs/admin/page/settings-page.class.php
class Settings_Page extends Page_Abstract implements Page_Interface{ /** * @var Vimeo_Oauth */ private $vimeo_oauth; /** * @var WP_Error */ private $error; /** * @var \Vimeotheque\Post\Post_Type */ private $cpt; /** * Settings_Page constructor. * * @param Admin $admin * @param $page_title * @param $menu_title * @param $slug * @param $parent * @param $capability */ public function __construct( Admin $admin, $page_title, $menu_title, $slug, $parent, $capability ) { parent::__construct( $admin, $page_title, $menu_title, $slug, $parent, $capability ); Settings_Helper::init(); $this->cpt = $admin->get_post_type(); } /** * Generates page HTML */ public function get_html(){ $options = $this->options_obj()->get_options(); $player_opt = $this->player_options_obj()->get_options(); /** * Filter that allows addition of extra tabs to plugin Settings page. * To pass a new tab to this filter, give it an array having this format: * * $tabs['my-tab-id'] = array( * 'title' => __('My tab title'), * 'callback' => callback function that will create the tab output (ie. array( $this, 'method_name' )), * 'before' => false // The tab ID that the added tab should be included after ( post_options, content_options, image_options, import_options, embed_options, auth_options ). False to be added at the end of the tabs * ) * * @param array $tabs The new tabs to be registered. */ $extra_tabs = apply_filters( 'vimeotheque\admin\page\settings_tabs', [] ); include VIMEOTHEQUE_PATH . 'views/plugin_settings.php'; } /** * Page on_load callback */ public function on_load() { $options = $this->options_obj()->get_options(); $this->vimeo_oauth = new Vimeo_Oauth( $options['vimeo_consumer_key'], $options['vimeo_secret_key'], $options['oauth_token'], // you must use this instead of menu_page_url() to avoid API error admin_url( 'edit.php?post_type=' . $this->cpt->get_post_type() . '&page=' . $this->get_menu_slug() ) ); if( $this->set_unauth_token() ) { $options = $this->options_obj()->get_options( true ); } /** * Action triggered on settings page load event. * * @param Options $options Vimeotheque\Options\Options object reference. */ do_action( 'vimeotheque\admin\page\settings_load', $this->options_obj() ); if( isset( $_POST['cvm_wp_nonce'] ) ){ if( check_admin_referer('cvm-save-plugin-settings', 'cvm_wp_nonce') ){ /** * Action running before the settings are saved. */ do_action( 'vimeotheque\admin\before_settings_save' ); $updated_settings = $this->update_settings(); /** * Action running after the settings are saved. * * @param array $updated_settings The saved settings array. */ do_action( 'vimeotheque\admin\after_settings_save', $updated_settings ); /** * Action running before the player settings are saved. */ do_action( 'vimeotheque\admin\before_player_settings_save' ); $player_settings = $this->update_player_settings(); /** * Action running after the player settings are saved. * * @param array $player_settings The player settings saved in database. */ do_action( 'vimeotheque\admin\after_player_settings_save', $player_settings ); } wp_redirect( 'edit.php?post_type=' . $this->cpt->get_post_type() . '&page=cvm_settings' ); die(); } if( isset( $_GET[ 'clear_oauth' ] ) && 'true' == $_GET[ 'clear_oauth' ] ){ if( check_admin_referer( 'cvm-clear-oauth-token', 'cvm_nonce' ) ){ $options['vimeo_consumer_key'] = ''; $options['vimeo_secret_key'] = ''; $options['oauth_token'] = ''; $options['oauth_secret'] = ''; $options['vimeo_access_granted'] = false; $this->options_obj()->update_options( $options ); } wp_redirect( 'edit.php?post_type=' . $this->cpt->get_post_type() . '&page=cvm_settings' ); die(); } $this->_enqueue_assets(); } /** * Utility function, updates plugin settings */ private function update_settings(){ $defaults = $this->options_obj()->get_defaults(); foreach( $defaults as $key => $val ){ if( is_numeric( $val ) ){ if( isset( $_POST[ $key ] ) ){ $defaults[ $key ] = (int)$_POST[ $key ]; } continue; } if( is_bool( $val ) ){ $defaults[ $key ] = isset( $_POST[ $key ] ); continue; } // trim strings if( isset( $_POST[ $key ] ) ){ $defaults[ $key ] = trim( $_POST[ $key ] ); } } // rewrite $plugin_settings = $this->options_obj()->get_options(); $flush_rules = false; if( isset( $_POST['post_slug'] ) ){ $post_slug = sanitize_title( $_POST['post_slug'] ); if( !empty( $_POST['post_slug'] ) && $plugin_settings['post_slug'] !== $post_slug ){ $defaults['post_slug'] = $post_slug; $flush_rules = true; }else{ $defaults['post_slug'] = $plugin_settings['post_slug']; } } if( isset( $_POST['taxonomy_slug'] ) ){ $tax_slug = sanitize_title( $_POST['taxonomy_slug'] ); /** * Check that taxonomy slug is not empty, is updated and is not the same as the post slug */ if( !empty( $_POST['taxonomy_slug'] ) && $plugin_settings['taxonomy_slug'] !== $tax_slug && $_POST['taxonomy_slug'] != $defaults['post_slug'] ){ $defaults['taxonomy_slug'] = $tax_slug; $flush_rules = true; }else{ $defaults['taxonomy_slug'] = $plugin_settings['taxonomy_slug']; } } if( isset( $_POST['tag_slug'] ) ){ $tag_slug = sanitize_title( $_POST['tag_slug'] ); if( !empty( $_POST['tag_slug'] ) && $plugin_settings['tag_slug'] !== $tag_slug && $_POST['tag_slug'] != $defaults['post_slug'] && $_POST['tag_slug'] != $defaults['taxonomy_slug'] ){ $defaults['tag_slug'] = $tag_slug; $flush_rules = true; }else{ $defaults['tag_slug'] = $plugin_settings['tag_slug']; } } // reset OAuth if user changes the keys if( isset( $_POST['vimeo_consumer_key'] ) && isset( $_POST['vimeo_secret_key'] ) ){ if( ($_POST['vimeo_consumer_key'] != $plugin_settings['vimeo_consumer_key']) || ($_POST['vimeo_secret_key'] != $plugin_settings['vimeo_secret_key'] ) ){ $defaults['oauth_token'] = ''; $defaults['oauth_secret'] = ''; } }else{ // if the consumer keys are not sent by POST, set the old values $defaults['vimeo_consumer_key'] = $plugin_settings['vimeo_consumer_key']; $defaults['vimeo_secret_key'] = $plugin_settings['vimeo_secret_key']; $defaults['oauth_token'] = $plugin_settings['oauth_token']; } $this->options_obj()->update_options( $defaults ); if( $flush_rules ){ // create rewrite ( soft ) // register custom post Plugin::instance()->get_cpt()->register_post(); flush_rewrite_rules(); } return $defaults; } /** * Update general player settings */ private function update_player_settings(){ $defaults = $this->player_options_obj()->get_defaults(); foreach( $defaults as $key => $val ){ if( is_numeric( $val ) ){ if( isset( $_POST[ $key ] ) ){ $defaults[ $key ] = (int)$_POST[ $key ]; }else{ $defaults[ $key ] = 0; } continue; } if( is_bool( $val ) ){ $defaults[ $key ] = isset( $_POST[ $key ] ); continue; } if( isset( $_POST[ $key ] ) ){ $defaults[ $key ] = $_POST[ $key ]; } } $this->player_options_obj()->update_options( $defaults ); return $defaults; } /** * Set token for unauthenticated API requests */ private function set_unauth_token(){ $options = $this->options_obj()->get_options(); if( !empty( $options['vimeo_consumer_key'] ) && !empty( $options['vimeo_secret_key'] ) ){ if( empty( $options['oauth_token'] ) || ( isset( $options['oauth_secret'] ) && empty( $options['oauth_secret'] ) ) ){ // account token $token = $this->vimeo_oauth->get_unauth_token(); if( !is_wp_error( $token ) ){ // set the token $options['oauth_token'] = $token; }else{ // reset everything in case of error $options['vimeo_consumer_key'] = ''; $options['vimeo_secret_key'] = ''; $options['oauth_token'] = ''; // set a notice for the error parent::set_error( $token->get_error_code(), $token->get_error_message() ); } $this->options_obj()->update_options( $options ); return true; } } } /** * Outputs a link that allows users to clear OAuth credentials * * @param string $text * @param string $echo * @return void|string */ private function clear_oauth_credentials_link( $text = '', $class='', $echo = true ){ if( empty( $text ) ){ $text = __( 'Clear OAuth credentials', 'codeflavors-vimeo-video-post-lite' ); } $options = $this->options_obj()->get_options(); if( empty( $options[ 'vimeo_consumer_key' ] ) || empty( $options[ 'vimeo_secret_key' ] ) ){ return; } $nonce = wp_create_nonce( 'cvm-clear-oauth-token' ); $url = menu_page_url( 'cvm_settings', false ) . '&clear_oauth=true&cvm_nonce=' . $nonce . '#auth-options'; $output = sprintf( '<a href="%s" class="%s">%s</a>', $url, esc_attr( $class ), $text ); if( $echo ){ echo $output; } return $output; } /** * Enqueue scripts and CSS for this page */ private function _enqueue_assets(){ wp_enqueue_style( 'cvm-plugin-settings', VIMEOTHEQUE_URL . 'assets/back-end/css/plugin-settings.css', false ); wp_enqueue_script( 'cvm-tabs', VIMEOTHEQUE_URL . 'assets/back-end/js/tabs.js', [ 'jquery', 'jquery-ui-tabs' ] ); wp_enqueue_script( 'cvm-settings', VIMEOTHEQUE_URL . 'assets/back-end/js/plugin-settings.js', [ 'jquery' ] ); wp_enqueue_script( 'cvm-video-edit', VIMEOTHEQUE_URL . 'assets/back-end/js/video-edit.js', [ 'jquery', 'wp-color-picker' ], '1.0' ); wp_enqueue_style('wp-color-picker'); } /** * Get plugin options object * @return Options */ private function options_obj(){ return Plugin::instance()->get_options_obj(); } /** * Get player options object * @return Options */ private function player_options_obj(){ return Plugin::instance()->get_embed_options_obj(); } }
- __construct — Settings_Page constructor.
- _enqueue_assets — Enqueue scripts and CSS for this page
- clear_oauth_credentials_link — Outputs a link that allows users to clear OAuth credentials
- get_html — Generates page HTML
- on_load — Page on_load callback
- options_obj — Get plugin options object
- player_options_obj — Get player options object
- set_unauth_token — Set token for unauthenticated API requests
- update_player_settings — Update general player settings
- update_settings — Utility function, updates plugin settings